Kyushu University KYURIOUS

KYURIOUS, Your Internatinal Home


Established in October 2021, we are a student-led organization aiming to provide help and support for international students, researchers, and staff members to improve their quality of life at Kyushu University. Kyurious is a re-establishment of the former “student supporter” system for international newcomers. We work in collaboration with the Student Affairs Division of the Faculty of Agriculture. Our goal is to build and develop a community for all international members of Kyushu University for better communication, opportunities, and excitement.

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Kyurious run a wide range of projects based on our goals. For example, we created a Slack workspace called Kyushu University Info-Hub which is an online community where international members of Kyushu University can chat, ask questions, and receive information from faculty staff. We also share various helpful information ranging from easy-to-understand flowcharts of official procedures to recommendations of places to visit around Fukuoka as a way help everyone navigate.

Kyurious also organizes various events, both online and in-person, to ensure for maximum inclusivity for all international members. One of our main events is an alumni reunion, which we hope to hold regularly. Our projects aim to keep us all in touch more than ever so we can support each other and most importantly, have fun.